Pratigya 2, 12th August 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pratigya 2, 12th August 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Pratigya 2,

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 12, August, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Pratigya 2, August 12th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Pratigya cleans Garv’s actual issue. Krishna says he is my difficult youngster, nothing to stress over. He reviews Sumitra’s words that his youth didn’t bomb horribly. Pratigya asks what are you thinking? Loosen up. Pratigya moves a bring and goes. Krishna figures how might a mother say that concerning Garv. She was discussing his passing. Pratigya reveals to Krishna that I need to go to court for Kesar’s bail.

Komal is cooking in the kitchen and says he can’t separate from me like this. Sumitra comes there and says you never used to cook or even make tea, eventually you are cooking completely? Soon Pratigya and Krishna would make you clean the channels of this house. Komal says I can get ability with any work for Adarsh, no one obliged me. I’m doing this joyfully for Adarsh.

Sumitra says this Adarsh isn’t so genuine, he is Pratigya’s companion, he was their accomplice. I think he was connected with Shakti’s destruction as well. He went for certain ulterior perspectives. Komal says as much what? I a few goofs as well. He can pass on his backlash expecting he needs. Sumitra says don’t be ostensibly incapacitated in adoration like Krishna, he got a snake this house and that snake killed Shakti.

Komal says don’t pressure pointlessly, your children are trying to follow the correct way, in the event that you become fine, we will see the value in concordance in this house.

Sumitra sees Adarsh and Pratigya passing on Kesar into the house. She is weakened and says how should you to bring her into this house? My child passed on and my life accomplice is in the clinical focus so you would torment me like this? Pratigya says where may she go? It’s her family, her people in law’s home. Sumitra says she has made this house a burial ground, I will not allow her to go into this house, you need to kill me to get her this house. Sales that she shoot me like she shot her perfect partner. I will not let her inside the house.

Kesar excuses. Sumitra hollers at her to kill her. Komal comes there and says Kesar did everything to get her family, what Shakti did wasn’t right, for what reason do you continue accusing her, on the off chance that she made them awful conduct, the law wouldn’t free her. Sumitra says I couldn’t ponder the law, I simply comprehend that she killed my child. She shouts at Kesar to not move an inch else I would kill you. I will not anytime permit her in this house. This is Sajjan’s home and you individuals can’t do what you need.

Krishna says we continue disclosing to you that Kesar isn’t to blame, your child expected to sell my girl, expected to kill her so what’s Kesar’s issue. I feel horrible about him in any case he ought to be reprimanded for his deeds. Sumitra says all of you have killed him, as of now you need this executioner to remain here? Krishna says if Kesar didn’t stop Shakti today we would do an allure meet for my little girl. Adarsh uncovers to Sumitra that expecting the law doesn’t recognize Kesar as a convict, how could you? You can avoid her at any rate given her visit access the house, she did everything to save Kesar.

Sumitra leaves beginning there. Krishna requests that Kesar go into her room. Sumitra comes there and tosses light oil on Kesar. She yells that I couldn’t contemplate the law, she has killed my child. Kesar shouts that you need to kill me then, at that point kill me, I take after a dead individual in this house so kill me. Sumitra strikes up the match stick. All are astounded. Samar comes there and requests that Sumitra stop, we can’t bring back my dad by killing her, let her do what she needs to, let her visit here.

Sumitra says she killed your dad. Samar says I am liable for the entirety of the choices identified with my dad and my choice is that Kesar would remain here. Kesar cries hearing that, she goes to her room.

Kesar comes to Samar and says I am so glad to hear you, my child is remaining with me. Samar says my mom has killed my dad, how might I deal with that? Kesar says tolerating I didn’t shoot your dad, he would have killed Kriti. Your dad battered me for a critical long time in any case I never kept an eye on him since I considered my youths. Precisely when you both went to the inn then I began observing him back. I’m embarrassed to think of him as my perfect partner, I needn’t waste time with my youth to take after him.

Samar hollers to not call him her child, I disdain you for killing my dad, you are not my mom any more, you are dead to me. You were never a decent mate or a good mother. You are dead to me, he leaves beginning there.

Samar comes to Sumitra. She says you fail to review that she killed your dad? For what reason did you let her visit here? Samar says in the event that I had conveyed Kesar away, Krishna-Pratigya would have left with her, we need to convey requital for my dad’s passing so I expected to allow Kesar to remain here. Sumitra says you are correct, I will not extra them.


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