Pratigya 2 18th June 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pratigya 2 18th June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Pratigya 2

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 18, June, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Pratigya 2 June 18th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Adarsh requests that Garv not be exasperated. Garv says basically send her away, I thought she passed on at any rate for what reason did she return? Adarsh says don’t pressure. She will disappear. Sumitra brings Kesar and says take a gander at the children, they are heartbreaking in the wake of seeing Pratigya. On the off chance that you attempt to help her, I will not extra you. Sajjan uncovers to Sumitra that you can’t continue ending everybody, we need to make Pratigya evaporate before she does anything loathsome.

Krishna and Meera are in the bed. Krishna says thank you for being with me, agreeing with my position. I expected to battle for Pratigya in any case you were with me. Meera acknowledges him and says I am your life accomplice, it’s my obligation to agree with your position. I was figuring we ought to for an escape, we loathe understanding like a couple. We should assume off to some position.

Krishna is in contemplations and says who in all likelihood assaulted Pratigya? Meera thinks he is now considering her and not his adored one. Krishna says Pratigya was assaulted before besides, who more likely than not went head to head with her? He takes a gander at Meera and sales that she rest. Krishna goes beginning there.

Krishna comes into the parlor and sees Pratigya’s room entrance open, he doesn’t discover her there and says where did she go?

Pratigya is remaining on the deck and taking a gander at the moon. Krishna comes there and says what are you doing here? I got so pushed when I didn’t see you, keep on resting in your room. Pratigya says for what reason do you stress over me to such an extent? Imagine a circumstance where something happened to me. Krishna says then I would have rested. Pratigya says you wouldn’t stress over me? Krishna says I would stress over you as you are a.. visitor. Additionally, don’t call me Sir.

Pratigya says so would it’s anything but’s a brilliant idea for me to call you Krishna Ji? He says why you need to add Ji? I.. I should rest. He begins leaving at any rate Pratigya shouts to his name.. Krishna.. She keeps on tolerating him. She says thank you Krishna. Krishna feels something. Meera sees them embracing and is annoyed.

In the underlying section of the day, Pratigya does pooja in the house. Krishna comes there and grins at her. All relatives come there and grimace at her. Pratigya offers aarti to Krishna, she offers it to Meera and others yet they excuse her. Krishna requests that Sumitra take parsad, it’s from God. Sajjan and Sumitra take parsad.

Krishna says this was a decent pooja, it ought to happen every day. Pratigya comes to Kriti and Garv. They look for cover behind Kesar yet she requests that they take it. Pratigya offers parsad to her children. Pratigya frowns at Adarsh and offers parsad to him. She offers it to Meera also. Krishna grins at her.

Adarsh comes to Sajjan and asks for what good reason may he say he is so pushed? Sajjan says this Pratigya experiences taken my congruity. She is a snake masterminded to nibble, she doesn’t comprehend that Meera didn’t wed Krishna, Pratigya is still formally wedded to Krishna. Expecting she begins playing law with us, we will be no more. Adarsh says I besides recognize law well all things considered. We can get Pratigya and Krishna disconnected. I will set a few papers and make them sign it.

Sajjan says that would be wonderful, fundamentally get the legitimate files so Pratigya doesn’t have any right on this house. Then, at that point we will get Krishna conclusively wedded to Meera. He uncovers to Sumitra that nobody ought to consider their wedding other than Meera. We will tell everybody on their colossal day from a certain point of view.

Pratigya and Kesar are cooking in the kitchen. Meera comes there and requests that she keep on resting. You are a visitor here so you don’t have to enter the kitchen. Krishna comes there and says Meera is correct. He requests that Pratigya go with him for work while Meera can deal with the kitchen. Pratigya goes with Krishna. Krishna says the web has improved on lives, we can utilize it. Pratigya says you are correct, it’s accomplice individuals. Sumitra sees Pratigya and Krishna talking. She requests that Meera apply her sindoor.

Meera goes to Krishna and requesting that he apply sindoor to her, she requests that Pratigya bring it from mandir. Pratigya unfortunately goes to the mandir. Sumitra says Meera made the best decision. Pratigya wipes her tears and brings sindoor to Krishna. He takes it from her and applies it to Meera. She grins at Pratigya who is harmed.
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