Pratigya 2, 22nd July 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pratigya 2, 22nd July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Pratigya 2,

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 22, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Pratigya 2, July 22nd, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Krishna exhorts the family that I should be a transient then, at that point being critical for this family, all of you were playing with me. Sumitra says we might not have any desire to lose you, we thought Pratigya passed on so we didn’t admonish you as you lost your memory, it would hurt you to comprehend that your life accomplice kicked the bucket. Krishna says why didn’t you come clean with me when Pratigya returned my life? This is my Pratigya and you made her take after a following lady? He takes a gander at Meera and says why might it be fitting for you to contact my Pratigya?

She is the sovereign of this house, how could it be conceivable that you would contact her? Who right? You pondered my affection for Pratigya, it’s unrealistic for anybody to separate us, how could it be conceivable that you would attempt that? I’m going off the deep end, how could you detest her to such an extent? Sumitra yells truth be told, I disdain this Pratigya and will dependably do. Krishna hollers that attention on my contempt then, at that point, I am dead to all of you, your child is no more, my family is only my significant other and my children now. He uncovers to Pratigya that we should go from here, all affiliations finished today. He leaves with Pratigya and the children.

Sajjan is harmed and tumbles down. All hurry to him. Krishna lauds and says now they have begun another show. What’s happening? Krishna says I comprehend everybody does sensation in this house. You can do acting yet Sumitra will be better. Pratigya gets engaged and asks concerning whether he is fine? Krishna says they are now doing sensation. Pratigya says he isn’t well, we need to take him to the emergency office. Sajjan is in the OT. Sumitra cries and says I ought to have been in his place. Komal says he will wind up being fine. Meera says don’t pressure Amma, you need to oversee yourself. The master comes out.

Krishna asks what befallen him? The master says he had a coronary scene. You need to give him rest and he shouldn’t be anxious utilizing all means. Essentially oversee him. Krishna looks on. Adarsh urges Pratigya to make Krishna stay here for Bauji. Komal requests that Krishna not take off from the house, don’t be bothered. He is our Bauji, pardon him. I comprehend you are astoundingly irate at any rate on the off chance that you take off from the house and something happens to Bauji? Krishna comes to Pratigya and Adarsh. Krishna says we need to remain here till Bauji winds up being fine. Meera comes there.

Kesar says you? What are you doing here? Your show finished so leave from here. Meera says I need to talk with Krishna. Krishna begins to leave. Meera says on the off chance that it’s not all that amount trouble, center around me once. Where will I go in this condition? I’m pregnant with your youth. All are shocked. Krishna says she had a go at everything so lying about a youth now? You have no disgrace, how low would you have the choice to stoop? Your show finished so leave. Your fantasy about extra here will not be satisfied. Meera says it’s presence.

Komal says wow new show has begun. Adarsh uncovers to Meera that quit misleading us, don’t play with our opinions. Adarsh requests that she leave with yielding. Krishna requests that she get lost. Kesar says what sort of a lady right? We generally speaking think about your person. Meera goes to Krishna and says for what reason may I lie about something like that? Don’t you review that we were living exclusively collectively for 1.5 years before Pratigya came. Didn’t have a relationship together? Didn’t we share a bed? Pratigya looks on.

Kesar says she has no disgrace, she took advantage of the chance to eliminate individuals from the house so I will do it for you today. Meera battles to Krishna to zero in on her, I am not lying. Pratigya tries to stop Kesar in any case Krishna says she is making the best decision. Kesar eliminates Meera from the house and locks the entryway all over the place. Komal comes into the middle and asks Sumitra how is Bauji? She says he will be conveyed tomorrow. Komal says that is unfathomable, how are you? Sumitra says I am fine.

Komal says Meera was guaranteeing that she is pregnant with Krishna’s child at any rate she was taken out from the house. Sumitra says what? I can’t recognize this, Meera is pregnant? Komal says yes in any case Kesar hauled her out of the house like a lioness. Sumitra smiles and says I comprehended Kesar was crucial for Pratigya’s strategy. Whenever I get an opportunity, I will oversee Kesar. Pratigya is sitting with the youths in any case continues researching Meera’s words.

Krishna comes there and plays with the children. He says I will not allow my perfect partner to lose the table game. He takes a gander at Pratigya and sales that the youths let their mother rest. The young people leave. Krishna says I know what you should get rolling through yet I can’t see you hopeless like this, basically disregard to remember everything, I am upset for contacting her. I can’t really recognize that I did it. I’m truly squashed.

Pratigya says I am not stressed over that, you lost your memory and recognized your family. You agreed with my position when you got comfortable with this present reality.. without a doubt it torments me to comprehend that another lady arrived at my perfect partner yet it’s not your defect. I’m not stressed over that. Krishna says then the thing is bothering you? Sumitra uncovers to Komal that if the real factors genuinely confirm that Meera is pregnant with our family adolescent, I will win this dispute. Komal says Meera never got pregnant several minutes back? She should lie.

Sumitra says we will discover. I comprehended Kesar is Pratigya’s accomplice. Consider how possible it is that Adarsh is Pratigya’s accomplice as well. Komal says for what reason do you continue tending to Adarsh, I will not in this way. Pratigya uncovers to Krishna that we can’t excuse Meera saying she is pregnant. Krishna says how could you trust her? She is a liar. Pratigya says imagine a circumstance where she is saying reality and she is pregnant with your child. Kesar comes there and says I know Meera and she is a liar, basically proceed with your simultaneousness and excusal that scoundrel. She gives them tea and disposes of all photographs of Meera. She says Meera was a shocking dream which ought to be dismissed. Pratigya looks on.
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