Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 13 March 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 13 March 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 13, March, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 March 13, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Paresh says on the off chance that they need to play melodic seat, where is music. Kanak says she carried music framework with her and discloses to Hema that soon everybody’s stomach going to respond. Chetan asks who will play music. Sagar says he will do and requests that others play game. Tiya requests that Anant and Gehna go along with them who were remaining solitary. What’s more, the game starts after some time Praful gets out.

In second round Kanak says Pankaj is out. Sapan and Praful feels unwell and Sagar sees them and thinks his toxic substance began working. While playing Gehna sits on Anant’s lap and the two feels abnormal and reviews the proposition and furthermore the dismissal. Gehna gets up and says she is out at this point. Kanak says seems like Gehna didn’t get spot and says not every person is fortunate. Tiya says she moved Gehna accidentally. Pankaj says they can play once more.

Kanak goes to go to significant call. Tanu reveals to Kanak that she need to go to washroom. Kanak reveals to Hema that Sagar said he arranged something tremendous so assuming anything turns out badly, it will be large issue. Jamuna loses her cognizance and tumbles down from seat. Everybody stuns seeing her. After Jamuna, Praful also blacks out. Everybody gets stressed for them. Sapan and Tiya also shouts in torment. Hema’s children also holds their stomach and winches in torment. Sagar stuns seeing children condition.

Kanak thinks assuming anything happens to kids, she will not leave Sagar. Gehna sees that Tanu is missing and goes to washroom and stuns seeing her. She calls Anant for help. Desai’s concedes everybody in the clinic. Kanak hauls Sagar alone and slaps him and asks what he blended in the food. He says he advised them to not allow the children to eat that food and uncovers that he blended toxic substance. She stuns hearing him and gets stressed for youngsters.

Hema cries seeing her children condition. Gehna asks Doctor that what befell everybody. Specialist says everybody ate the food which had toxic substance and says he offered infusion to everybody except needs to hold on to perceive what will occur. Hema argues him to save her children. Gehna supports Hema and says God will save everybody. Hema charges Gehna for everybody’s condition and requests that she leave from that point. Gehna says Tiya was likewise there with her when she was cooking. Hema says even Tiya can’t save her today and pushes her.

Gehna was going to fall however Anant saves her by harming his hand and asks is she fine. She says she is fine and requests that Nurse wrap Anant’s hand. Attendant goes to bring emergency treatment unit. Anant was going to something to Hema however Kanak intrudes on saying he will uphold Gehna now likewise yet the fact of the matter is Gehna is liable for everybody’s condition. Gehna safeguards herself. Hema reproves Sagar for blending poison in food. Kanak requests that he leave from that point.

Gehna watches the clasp where Sagar was blending something in the food. She follows Sagar and asks who is he and what he blended in the food and says she saw everything in the clasp. He runs from that point. Gehna advises Anant to discover assistant saying it’s him who blended toxic substance in food. She calls Police and Kanak, Hema sees that. Anant follows Sagar. Gehna shows the clasp to Paresh. Anant sees Sagar’s face and understands that it’s Sagar who came as assistant.

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