Santoshi Maa 21st February 2020 Written Update | Santoshi Maa Episodes Updates

Santoshi Maa Written Updates

Santoshi Maa 21st February 2020 Written Episode Update, &Tv Show “Santoshi Maa 21-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Indresh & Swati Leave His Father’s House.

Airing Date: 21 February 2020

Full Written Update: 21-February-2020 Santoshi Maa Episode Start with

Indresh’s mother getting some data about birth I gave you following nine months then he prompts her if you wished to account this, by then why you didn’t killed me like your two young ladies and she gets genuinely hurt. All leave from his side while indresh goes out with swati and devi polomi is cheery about this talking with her observers.

Dev rishi comes to pound devi polomi’s thoughts and misusing her in his questionable words. Indresh’s mother is crying while her young lady comes to comfort her.

Swati’s father and mother are analyzing worried for what reason should we leave from here anyway her mother is endeavoring to convince him yet he is explaining her that indresh’s father needs this itself and he can treat swati gravely and direct and in like manner endeavoring to explain her how you have gone up against such conditions with me already.

Also Read: Santoshi Maa 20th February 2020 Written Update

Indresh’s father calls swati’s father teaching him about your daughter and my kid has gone out so to proceed to bring them back as my kid to my home and your young lady to your home. Swati’s father encourages this to her mother.

Indresh is walking around swati taking a gander at seeing a film which our father showed us for the most part in our birthday’s and swati too says to we ought to see what you saw.

Indresh’s father solicits his other kid your conclusion from that youngster then he says yes I am thinking yet he says to not to think yet to proceed to kill her unobtrusively rest I’ll see what to do straightaway.

Swati’s father calls swati and encourages her to hold up there as I am coming to meet you. Indresh visits with swati about her people who are so loving and she explains I am their daughter and this happens in everybody’s life.

Indresh’s father is endeavoring to keep his significant other from crying anyway she doesn’t and he hollers her and she stops.

Swati is thinking whatever happened with her before and how she got hitched and asking mata santoshi inquisitive about whether I wasn’t right doing snappy while indresh uncovers to her you were not misguided at this point such people aren’t right and not worth you.

Swati’s people come to meet them and indresh offers them tea saying I can’t regulate in my home till time please recognize this and they recognize it. They are controlling them to go to our home yet they deny saying we will administer and you have recently told us the best way to fight for the duration of regular daily existence. As they leave, her people are lauding her adage how she has built up that she can fight in her life now and her mother likewise says it’s privilege as never perceived how the time passed.

Dev rishi is exhorting mata is this required and to change this yet mata is explaining him about the life of a woman how she faces and can stand up to who has solidarity to help her with husbanding too while dev rishi praises her yet unveils to her that they should be shown the correct way then mata uncovers to him they will thusly get their direction and dev rishi is calmed with euphoria.

Both of them are walking around the unsettled areas route in light while a couple miscreants are following them on bicycle and enveloping them two having edge in their grip.

Also Read: Santoshi Maa 19th February 2020 Written Update


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