Shaadi Mubarak 8th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Shaadi Mubarak 8th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Shaadi Mubarak 8 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 8th December, 2020

December 8, 2020 : Shaadi Mubarak Today Episode Start with Pandit asking Preeti to light 100 diya in the house, each diya will splendid up her wedded existence with euphoria. She says sure. She proceeds to light diya. KT comes and says I revealed to you not to contact those things, by asking whom did you give the things. She says this puja for a couple upbeat wedded life, I did that for my future, its my right. He asks when did I give this privilege to you. She inquires as to why, you love me, its my entitlement to make whatever harms me away, I will make Nandini’s harshness away, so that Nandini’s KT disappears and my KT returns to me. He takes a gander at her. He says I m a similar KT, not Nandini’s KT.

She says no, you would have not approached her for check, you would have not documented the situation when her check bobbed, let me know. He reviews. Sheena says Nandini’s check has skiped. KT says its a criminal offense, converse with legal counselor and sue Nandini, don’t tell Preeti, she will be stressed. She goes. FB closes. Preeti inquires as to for what reason did you ask Sheena not to let me know, for what reason did you need to consume in the fire, I m near you, I feel pitiful seeing you like this. He says its not at all like that, I got hitched, don’t annoy me, I m not a child, don’t you get it, I realize that I have filled sindoor in your maang, you concurred for the marriage, you need to deal with it yourself, don’t keep any expectation from me, disregard me, go. She cries and goes.

Her saree pallu bursts into flames from the diya. KT yells Preeti ji and races to her. He puts off the fire by his mind. His hands consume. She blows on all fours for help. KT takes a gander at her. Sumedh says I will attempt to restore your cash. The call closes. Juhi asks in what manner will we handle it in the event that we don’t get protection. Kusum comes and says you have an assistance in the house, keep this adornments. Juhi says no, its for Priyanka, Kajal and Aastha’s marriage and future. Kusum demands. Juhi says no, simply give us your endowments, please we can’t keep this. Sumedh says indeed, we will oversee. Kusum says fine, Lord should give you fortitude, did you tell Preeti. Juhi says no. Sumedh says she will take pressure on the off chance that we state, she is in another family.

Kusum says you got reasonable, we shouldn’t advise her. Shivraj asks Neil to proceed to get a specialist. Preeti requests that KT get the lep/balm applied. Shivraj asks KT not to be determined. Preeti applies the lep on KT’s consumes. KT takes a gander at her. Ik tara… .plays… . She inquires as to for what reason did you do this. He says I can’t see you consuming. She cries. Specialist says get lost, who has sent you here, I don’t do this, disappear. Priyanka cries. Neil looks on. She says don’t pass judgment on me if it’s not too much trouble I m not doing this by my desire, he has an uncertainty on my character.

He inquires as to for what reason do you need to wed him, who questions you, who doesn’t regard you, its simply the beginning, don’t have the foggiest idea what will he do. She says I m vulnerable, if this marriage breaks, my mum’s heart will break, don’t advise this to Preeti, she will tell my mum. He says don’t stress. She goes crying. Priyanka says Amit, I m not lying, I went to specialist, specialist wouldn’t do tests. Amit says you are a liar. Priyanka says you need to break the collusion, fine. Kusum admonishes her. Preeti returns home. She says its not Priyanka’s mix-up, Neil mentioned to me what Priyanka got late to let us know, go to your room. Priyanka goes. Kusum asks what is it, let me know. Preeti advises her. Kusum gets stunned. Kusum asks by what method will Priyanka carry on with her life, what will occur with her.

Preeti asks how might we request that her keep an off-base connection all life, you said that regard should be there in a connection, I have taken a major choice and my life changed, Priyanka will get hitched, don’t stress, a connection ought to have regard and love, constrained relations just hurt us, nothing else. She reviews KT’s words. KT attempts to wear his shirt and catch it up. Preeti comes and asks will I help, I can see you need assistance. He says at that point don’t see, you previously helped, I will deal with. She requests that he stand calm. She fastens his shirt.

She says you considered me a superwoman, you won’t miss the mark on the off chance that you take my assistance. Adha ishq… .plays… Shivraj gets down on KT. KT proceeds to see Nandini. Nandini runs and embraces him. She says our child Arjun is missing. He makes her away and asks what occurred. She says Arjun is missing, police gave me his effects and said he had ended it all. She cries. Preeti says nothing will happen to Arjun, I will get water. Nandini says no, I simply need KT, nothing else. Everybody looks on.

In Progress….


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