Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani 29th January 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani 29th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  29, January, 2021

January 29, 2021: Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Today Episode Start with Shaurya asking Aastha what is she doing here. He calls the security. Shaan sends the watchman away. Aastha says Shaurya, this school runs for the improvement of the individuals, everybody has a privilege on it, you can’t request that I leave with no solid explanation, I m the educator and gatekeeper of this understudy. Shaurya says she isn’t an understudy of our establishment, get out. Shaan requests that Shaurya regard. Aastha says I have come here in light of the fact that my understudy is denied confirmation with no explanation.

Alok comes and says goodness, Aastha has come. He says its been numerous years, you have fortitude to come here, Anokhi didn’t have cash for charges, Shaan has a major heart, he consented to pay expenses, she didn’t had TC too. Aastha says perhaps you don’t have the foggiest idea how to converse with ladies, I m not your family member or worker. She gives the TC. Alok checks it. Aastha says Shaan doesn’t have to pay Anokhi’s expenses, I got her charges with me. Alok says we question this current young lady’s character.

Vineet says she is a cheat. Aastha asks what did she take, your gold bangles. Vineet says my significant other’s bangles. She asks will I call Babli here, we will hear it that she gave the bangles to her, you are a legal advisor, you would know it well, stay in your cutoff points. Vineet says you don’t consider offending me, at that point I will show you. She asks how will you respond, will you record a case on me, you have offended Anokhi before everybody, recall, one should lie however much you can demonstrate.

Vineet says Anokhi has fled from her marriage. Aastha says you are a modest man, I didn’t have any acquaintance with you are absurd, its a wrongdoing to get any grown-up young lady wed coercively, Anokhi didn’t record whine about all of you, she had fled in light of the fact that she needs to contemplate, not to make the most of her life. Ravi says that is Shaan’s significant other, right, Shaurya’s mum… Aastha says Shaurya thought its a scheme, you are committing an error by grabbing her privileges, I can go to schooling board to grumble, your school enrollment and permit can get dropped. Alok and Shaurya ask her is she compromising them.

Aastha asks Shaurya not to question, for what reason is he frightened in the event that he didn’t do anything. He inquires as to for what reason do you suspect as much. She says then you ought to generally approve of her affirmation. Alok says we have an issue. Shaan says no, we have no issue, she cleared the meeting, she submitted archives, TC is additionally here. He requests that Anokhi pay the expenses and present all the reports, welcome to SIAC. Shaurya blows up.

Aastha embraces Anokhi and requests that she come for affirmation measure. Shaan grins seeing Aastha. Anokhi goes to present the record. The man says the counter got shut. Vineet says the confirmation counter got shut today. He reviles Anokhi. Anokhi requests that the man see the time, there is as yet 10 mins left. The man checks the clock indicating incorrectly time. Aastha says its not our misstep, you give her confirmation. Anokhi grins. Aastha says we are prepared with papers, TC and expenses.

Vineet asks where will she stay in the event that she gets the confirmation. Aastha says lodging. The man says lodging is now full. Vineet says you had the opportunity to hear it now. Aastha says Anokhi can remain in her senior sister’s home for not many days, until she gets a spot in the lodging. She cautions Vineet. He leaves. Shaurya comes. He says I m shocked to see you battle for somebody’s privileges, you just battled for yourself, right. Aastha signs no.

She requests that Anokhi complete the cycle. She says I need to go at this point. She goes. Anokhi hurries to Aastha and takes her favors. She says you did a ton for me, I won’t ever allow you to down. Aastha says be solid and satisfy your fantasies, its another beginning of your life. They embrace. Anokhi says pass on my welcome to Rama. Aastha leaves. Shaan comes and stops her.In Progress…

Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani, 29th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani, 29 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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