Vighnaharta Ganesh 16th March 2020 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh Written Updates

Vighnaharta Ganesh 16th March 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Vighnaharta Ganesh 16-03-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Ganesh Is Trying To Stop Devsena From Coming Near Kartik.

Airing Date: 16 March 2020

Full Written Update: 16-March-2020 Vighnaharta Ganesh Episode Start with

Ganesh saying if devsena attempts to disturb kartik, by then he’ll explode on him while indra demands that what do then he uncovers to him that to make her related with some other work as she is winnowing grows for kartik’s appraisal and indra comes to ask her what’s new with you and she reveals to him I wan’t to serve my swami more and indra criticizes her as kartik is doing reflection clearly to confound mahadev so you comparably do and she sees his brief as indra tells ganesh our work is done and ganesh recollects that him.

Also Read: Vighnaharta Ganesh 11th March 2020 Written Update

Devsena is coordinating statue while ganesh asks mushak which statue is devsena preparing and he answers of kartik and they are bewildered.

Ganesh is explaining of senapati interfacing with all odds near threat’s sanctum where jayant is held.

Senapti is interfacing with the noxious pigs while jayant is supplicating god kartik.

Soorasahi is telling his childhood I appreciate you have not cleaned directly to make jayant take your name while he is getting a couple of data about how to fight with all would like to wreck of immaculate creatures and soorasahi mentioning to send all our military samrats information and he leaves with her powers to stream the military his information through winged creatures. Soorasahi is counseling towards kartik how the military will oversee you.

Ganesh is feeling bulky saying if kartik finds a useful pace is asking kartik arranging statue.

Ganesh is bantering pressure of devsena towards kartik just as he finds an utilitarian pace get wild.

Devsena is asking kartik while his eyes open seeing her and smiling towards her. Kartik is watching her creation his statue and asking and asking through eye talks who are you achieving such a lot for my statue while she is asking him and she is imparting from her contemplations that I am the individual who has starting late recollected that you as my life accomplice and he gets wild yet this was envisioned by ganesh saying this can happen while devsena says I am tense to change into your treasured one. Ganesh says this trouble has dispersed.

Kartik is imparting I am remembered now for any case I’ll complete my commitment towards you while she likewise says to not to worry as I additionally will complete my obligation towards you.

Ganesh says now this trouble is vanished and kartik can complete his duty towards his satisfaction of his visit.

A detesting samrat is energizing getting signal from asoor samrat soorapadman and all quickness samrats are seeing in lanka of information finding a decent pace soorapadaman saying to get ready to fight against divine creatures and an evil samrat is ensuring soorapadman.

Ganesh says now there is no trouble yet to see what kartik will do while kartik is mentioning shivling from mahadev and ganesh is affecting indra and mushak to what to do straightaway and ganesh with everybody go to plead kartik while and kartik and devsena are going up against them ganesh is uncovering karti to attempt to abstain from freezing how father had told you while he is getting upset regardless ganesh urges him to survey you are doing it without talking so to understand what may anyone have the choice to do while he is taking a gander at him no issue by any stretch of the imagination. Indra is thinking ganesh has jumbled kartik in his conversations yet by what strategy should I achieve my work while mushak is likewise talking and making them included and devsena is seeing mushak while he is asking how you made this statue and ganesh is pushing toward kartik to permit me for helping you and he permits him while devsena explains mushak what kartik likes.

Kartik is overwhelmed while indra in like manner thinks to calm. Devsena tells mushak let me bring water yet relates come to support her and she is confounded so says atleast I have to bring Prasad so I’ll do that while indra thinks how ganesh has made me fall into mess as I am not set up to concede very.

Ganesh is explaining kartik all have come here to recognize you and kartik is happy as indra in like way says ganesh is right. Ganesh is seeing devsena coming while mushak is attempting to go near her to stop her and assistants other than come to give her what she required. Devsena is asking the statue with the materials while ganesh is offering Prasad to kartik to offer mahadev’s shivling while he is reviewing about mahadev telling him the past and kartik is smiling while ganesh asks what happened.

The pitiable nebulous visions are ambushing senapati while he is retaliating them hurling them with his powers yet they again go before him and he is stunned asking prabhu what to do and he reminds about kartik had encouraged to take enrichments from ganesh and says now ganeshji can just assistance me as ganesh shows his image to him and he gets the idea how to crush them and he does as necessities be and feels happy.

Ganesh is controlling kartik what to do straightaway.

Jayant is supplicating kartik while the sister of soorapadman is other than pushing toward kartik for jayant.

Devsena is playing out her pooja towards kartik’s statue while kartik is putting himself on ground.

Also Read: Vighnaharta Ganesh 10th March 2020 Written Update


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