Vighnaharta Ganesh 28th February 2020 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh Written Updates

Vighnaharta Ganesh 28th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Bharat Show “Vighnaharta Ganesh 28-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Jayant Is Saved By Kartik.

Airing Date: 28 February 2020

Full Written Update: 28 February-2020 Vighnaharta Ganesh Episode Start with

Soorasahi urges fire god to slaughter the kid jayant with his fire and he tries while kartik is imploring mahadev. The fire god is spilling his fire towards jayant while his mom is feeling clumsy and devsena is quieting her urging her to supplicate swami kartik.

Also Read: Vighnaharta Ganesh 27th February 2020 Written Update

Kartik is equipping responses of mahadev in mantra’s while indra is feeling about some issue with jayant as jayant is protected without getting affected of fire. Mahadev is enchanted by kartik’s answers revealing to him you will get more powers now. Kartik is supplicating fire god in mahadev’s picture and in addition cheering mahadev giving him help of power.

Jayant is importuning kartik for help while kartik handles something isn’t right watching picture of mahadev. Jayant is referencing that help from kartik help sparing prabhu’s guide inspite in the event that I need to lose my life. Soorapadman’s sister is commending jayant for referencing to spare his help given by his prabhu to him. Fire god fights jayant to pardon him while he is asking swami kartik singing supplications for him and his mom also asks kartik. Kartik acknowledges and utilizes his forces while soorasahi and soorapadman feel upbeat about jayant getting murdered in fire yet kartik spares him with his forces and fire god is cumbersome what I am doing this.

Jayant evaporates from fire and the shades of malice feel he is slaughtered at any rate kartik utilizes his forces towards him to spare him and all are entreating kartik including devsena moreover. Jayant acclaims kartik and soorapadman is amazed including soorasahi and fire god is happy to see jayant back and soorasahi asks who did this so her little girl says his swami has spared him.

Jayant urges fire god to not to stress as I am spared by my swami and he gets a handle on jayant while soorasahi is stunned to figure by what means can kartik has such a lot of forces. Each ideal being are perceiving kartik while he instructs them to show jayant right way now. They are overpowered where ganesh has continued to divine animals attempt to clarify kartik in any case kartik uncovers to them ganesh is engineering an option that is other than what’s normal and senapati sees ganesh on sky while kartik uncovers to them he is intending to make our future way which will lead us to sky god from ganesh’s shown way.

Ganesh is moving with mushak overseeing him to move quick as we need to finish our work very soon for family kartik.

Soorasahi’s youngster is running towards jayant cheering him about his focusing on his swami. Soorasahi is reprimanding her youngster while she is disclosing her mom to leave this brisk thoughts and ask swami kartik.

Soorapadman’s another sister is training him to not to stress since I have a course of action to get a handle on him in diminish pot and she tries to utilize her forces towards him while soorapadman and soorasahi are feeling happy about it commending her forces and urges her to presentation rapid and utilize your forces rapidly towards him.

Also Read: Vighnaharta Ganesh 26th February 2020 Written Update


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