Yeh Hai Chahatein 26th November 2020 Episode Written Update


Yeh Hai Chahatein 26th November 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Yeh Hai Chahatein 26 November 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 26th November, 2020

November 26, 2020 : Yeh Hai Chahatein Today Episode Start with

Mahima reveals to Preesha that she didn’t have motivation to live at that point and even now, yet she won’t attempt to end it all once more. Anu requests that her rest and leaves. Vasu reveals to Rudra that she is stressed for Mahima. Rudra guarantees her to unwind and says he will disregard now as Saranash seems to be. Vasu concurs. Preesha says she needs to converse with Rudra and takes him along to next room. He inquires as to whether all is great. She says akka’s condition is exacerbating and she can’t leave her perishing.

He inquires as to whether she needs him to offer Saransh to her. She says it would be acceptable if Saransh invests energy here with akka. He says she will take Saransh away at that point, Saransh isn’t a toy to be given, he won’t head out in different directions with Saransh and let Mahima remove him. She says akka is Saransh’s genuine mother. He says his sibling is genuine dad and he is lawful dad and won’t offer him to anybody. Mahima enters and requests that they quit battling, she doesn’t need any contrasts between them on account of her.

Preesha inquires as to for what reason did she come here as opposed to resting. Rudra says he will give his life cheerfully in the event that she asks, yet not Saransh; Saransh is his life and his sibling’s child, so he would not like to lose him. He discloses to Preesha that he will get vehicle out. Preesha says he can go while she remains with Mahima. Mahima guarantees that she won’t end it all again and demands her to go. Preesha leaves. Rudra while driving vehicle seeing Preesha’s furious mind-set plays tune Sorry, Pakden ye dono kaan kya… , however she doesn’t respond. He is sorry her for blowing up on her, yet she realizes he is genuinely connected to Saransh and can’t head out in different directions with him, she ought to excuse him or the consequences will be severe. She pivots. He leaves. She turns around and gets stressed not discovering him in vehicle.

She at that point escapes vehicle and searches him, sees him on vehicle top with inflatables. He demands to acknowledge his sorry and yells he is grieved. Individuals assemble around. She argues to get down. He gets down and holds her. She grins. Jo Tum Na ho to murmur bhi murmur nahi… tune.. plays out of sight. She clears soil structure his hair. Everybody around applaud them. He is sorry once more. She says its alright and the two of them leave in their vehicle. Preesha and Rudra get back. Saransh runs and embraces them. Balraj asks how is Mahima. Rudra says she is fine. He was hanging tight for him to advise that he has his show this evening in Delhi. Rudra gets energized hearing that. Balraj says they will keep up legitimate social separating during show. Ahana says this will support Rudra’s fame. Rudra says he will buckle down for the show.

Vasu offers milk to Mahima and inquires as to whether she is feeling acceptable at this point. Mahima says yes and requests that they go to Mrs Iyer’s home for pooja. Vasu says she will remain with her, GPS says any one is sufficient. Mahima demands, and the two of them leave. OIn the opposite side, Rudra’s family leave in their vehicles for show. Mahima sits in front of the TV and seeing a couple battling envisions Rudra and Preesha battling, gets fit of anxiety thinking they are battling a result of her, figures she should go from here, gathers her pack and strolls on street. Rudra drives vehicle with Preesha and says he used to embrace Rajeev at whatever point he used to be in trouble or excited.

Preesha inquires as to whether he will embrace even her. He says it is anything but an impractical notion. They hear vehicles blaring and shouting at a woman to clear out. Preesha sees Mahima strolling on street and requests that Rudra stop vehicle. The two of them get out and see a speeding truck towards Mahima. They yell at her, however she keeps strolling subliminally. Exactly when the truck is going to hit her, Yuvraj enters and spares her. The two of them race to her, Rudra pushes Yuvraj aside. Yuvraj hollers for what reason didn’t he come early then to spare her. Preesha embraces Mahima and inquires as to whether she is fine. Mahima gets cognizant and asks how could she come here.

Preesha clarifies her what occurred. Mahima gets some information about her pack. Yuvraj shows it fallen far away. Preesha asks where was she going with pack. Mahima says she would not like to make issue among Preesha and Rudra, so she was going far away from them. Preesha inquires as to for what reason didn’t she think about guardians, they would be strained seeing her missing from home. Vasu and GPS get back and get strained seeing Mahima missing. They call Preesha.

In Progress….


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