Yeh Hai Chahatein 5th January 2021 Written Update


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Yeh Hai Chahatein Episode 2021 Tv series Written Update January, 5th, 2021 on By

Yeh Hai Chahatein, 5th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Yeh Hai Chahatein, 5 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 5, January, 2021

January 5, 2021 : Yeh Hai Chahatein Today Episode Start with Mahima looks for Rudra in his room and all around house and figures where did he go. Rudra and Preesha kiss one another. Mahima quits seeing Rudra there and thinks with whom he is with. She calls him. The two of them quit kissing and stand strained. She strolls to him and asks what was he doing and for what good reason was he kissing Santa Clause. Preesha wears back her mustache and nose. Rudra yells for what reason would he kiss Santa, he was blowing Santa Clause’s eyes as something fell in it. Preesha in a male’s voice inquires as to whether she doesn’t confide in her better half, something fell in his eyes and he will specialist.

She leaves from that point figuring she should go before akka gets more dubious. Mahima demands Rudra that he was kissing Santa Clause. Rudra says its her creative mind and leaves cautioning her to mind her language. Mahima calls party coordinator and asks who is the other Santa Clause he sent as there are 2 santas here. Coordinator says he sent just 1 Santa and there is some disarray. Mahima figures for what reason did Rudra lie that 2 Santas are reserved accidentally and denied kissing Santa. Preesha with Rudra re-visitations of gathering setting illuminating him that she will leave before akka gets her. She educates Saransh that she needs to go.

Yuvraj says he won’t remain with nalla khurana and crazy Mahima, so he will likewise go with her. The two of them leave. Rudra rejoins Saransh. Mahima strolls to him and asks where did Santas go. Rudra says they previously left and leaves. Mahima thinks he lied once more. Preesha gets back with Yuvraj and goes to change. Yuvraj begins his dramatization, babbling obviously, and keeps his Santa Clause dress in pantry. Next daytime during breakfast, GPS reprimands him to begin working as opposed to burning through his time. He thinks elderly person is chiding her like MIL reproves DIL. He leaves with Preesha lying that he will work. Mahima arrives at party coordinator’s office and requests that he call the previous Santa Clause. Coordinator shows worker’s photograph and calls him. Mahima thinks Santa was dainty and reasonable, yet this man is tall and dull, so it should be Preesha.

Worker comes and on Mahima’s compromising uncovers that a woman had come previously camouflaged as Santa to meet her child, so he let her in his place. Mahima understands that it was Preesha without a doubt and to clear her uncertainty goes to her parent’s home in lieu of meeting Vasu. She sends Vasu to get espresso for her and strolling into Preesa’s room looks for Santa dress in pantry, stands stunned discovering one there. She understands that Preesha had come to meet Saransh and Rudra kissed her, the two of them with Yuvraj are arranging something against her and she needs to demolish their arrangement.

She packs Santa Clause’s dress in her sack and figures now she will show what she can do. Preesha is in emergency clinic checking patients when Rudra gets in and gets sentimental. She shyingly requests that he go as patients are coming. He says let him complete the kiss which he halted when Mahima meddled. He is going to kiss her when Mahima calls Preesha. He stops and says Mahima meddled once more. Preesha picks call. Mahima asks where is she. Preesha says in clinic. Mahima says she called to advise her that the previous party went truly well, presently Saransh is tolerating her as mother, so there is no danger from Preesha.

She welcomes Preesha home at night with Yuvraj and figures she will show her a thing or two that she won’t fail to remember once more. Preesha reveals to Rudra that akka didn’t question her and welcomed her home at night with Yuvraj. Rudra says something isn’t right as for what reason would she call her with Yuvraj, she shouldn’t go. Preesha says in the event that she doesn’t go, akka will accomplish something different. He requests that she be cautious.In Progress…

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