Yeh Hai Chahatein 7th January 2021 Written Update

Yeh Hai Chahatein Written Update

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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Yeh Hai Chahatein 7th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Yeh Hai Chahatein

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  7, January, 2021

January 7, 2021: Yeh Hai Chahatein Today Episode Start with Yuvraj gets into vehicle with Preesha and says he needs to part of her arrangement. She requests that he go out. He inquires as to for what reason should he. Rudra enters and requests that he escape vehicle. He leaves mumbling. Preesha discloses to Rudra that akka/Mahima is as yet dubious on us and they ought to execute their arrangement cautiously, they should contact Arjun soon. Rudra says he is coming tomorrow, so he will call him and check. At home, Mahima thinks Santa Clause was unquestionably Preesha as Santa Clause told a woman went inside camouflaged as Santa to meet her child; Preesha more likely than not made photographs and pics subsequent to leaving party, yet whatever it is, Rudra is furious on her and she ought to persuade him as he is her greatest lottery, so she should lay down with him and persuade.

She strolls to his room and not discovering him in his room and strolls to lounge and inquires as to whether she saw Rudra. Servant says he has gone for running. She asks at 12 PM. Servant says goes running around house now and then. She goes out to check and seeing Preesha’s vehicle strolls towards it thinking what is it doing here. She discovers Preesha and Yuvraj inside romancing, thumps entryway and ask what are they doing here. Preesha says they came for a drive, Yuvraj inquires as to whether she has any issue. Mahima says in the event that they got just Khurana House’s street for drive and demands Preesha to tell truth. Preesha says she came to meet Saranah as she was missing him, so she came here to take her authorization and meet Saransh, however Yuvraj told she won’t give consent. Mahima says she won’t, in any case Saransh is dozing now and cautions them to leave or probably she will advise police.

When she leaves, Rudra returns and asks how does that lady discover when they are togetehr and expresses gratitude toward Yuvraj for educating him previously observing Mahim. He thinks back the entire episode and reveals to Preesha that Arjun’s telephone isn’t reachable, so they should arrive at his home tomorrow. Rudra with Preesha arrives at Arjun’s home and helps him to remember his guarantee made to uncover Mahima. Preesha says akka is attempting to remove her child and family for cash, so he should come and uncover her. He inquires as to whether Mahima is her sister. Preesha says lamentably indeed, so he should get back home tomorrow and advise truth to everybody. Arjun concurs. Preesha strolls to Khurana house first. Ahana and Mishka holler on her of course. Preesha says she came to uncover somebody’s reality. Rudra asks who.

She says a greatest liar is among them. Rudra requests that she be explicit. Preesha says its Mahima akka, she came to lie which Mahima was telling the two families since the very beginning, she was lying about her past. Rudra asks what refuse, they all realize that Mahima was intellectually sick and was living in psychological wellness center. Preesha says akka isn’t intellectually sick and didn’t remain in emotional wellness facility for even a day. Balraj asks what is she telling. Preesha says she is correct. Mahima anxiously says she was in emotional wellness center. Preesha asks then for what reason did she consume that psychological wellness center to delete the verification that she wasn’t remaining there.

Rudra inquires as to for what reason would she do that. Preesha says akka is a con lady and she deceives and plunders rich individuals; she plundered numerous men as Maya, Dhwani, Anjali, and so forth Mahima yells in the event that she isn’t afraid to wrongly claim her sister. Preesha says she didn’t have any acquaintance with her akka’s wrongdoings and even relinquished her life for akka’s child. Rudra inquires as to whether she has any evidence. Preesha says she has live verification whom akka conned and plundered cash and numerous others. Preesha calls Arjun in and requests that he tell how akka coned him as Mohini. Arjun lies that he doesn’t know Mahima and he came here as Preesha vowed to give him cash in the event that he lies against Mahima. Preesha stands stunned.In Progress…

Yeh Hai Chahatein, 7th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Yeh Hai Chahatein, 7 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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